Resolutions Library
Title | Summary | Document Date | Link | hf:tax:dlp_acf_year |
TOE Resolution # 2025-010 | Prohibition and disclosure of financial interests and conflicts of interest. | 01/28/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-008 | Establishing a policy regarding gifts to Commissioners, Appointees, and Staff. | 01/28/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-007 | Securing the Right to Constitutional Carry. | 01/28/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-006 | Supporting HB0113, a bill promoting animal welfare. | 01/28/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-023 | Amending the FY2025 town budget. | 11/12/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-022 | Authorizing the exchange of real property with EPCOR Water New Mexico, Inc. | 09/24/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-021 | Amending the FY2025 town budget. | 09/24/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-020 | Authorizing town staff and the town attorney to pursue due diligence and conduct other necessary investigation as it concerns the possible acquisition of real property and related water rights. | 09/10/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-019 | Amending the FY 2025 town budget. | 09/10/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-005 | Approving the 2025 Holiday calendar. | 01/07/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-004 | Adopting the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Edgewood and approving the plan for distribution. | 01/07/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-003 | Amending the FY25 town budget. | 01/07/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-002 | Adopting the process of formulating the Town Commission Agenda. Rescinds and replaces RES2023-032. | 01/07/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2025-001 | Open Meetings Act Resolution. | 01/07/2025 | 2025 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-018 | Amending the FY 2025 town budget. | 08/27/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-017 | Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts. Supersedes Resolution#2024-003 | 08/12/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-016b | Amending the 2023-2024 town budget. | 07/23/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-016a | Adopting the FY 2024-2028 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). | 07/23/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 2024-014 | Approving the Final Quarter Financial Report FY 2024 | 07/23/2024 | 2024 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-015 | Scheduling of a regular municipal election for the election of municipal officers for March 7, 2000. | 12/01/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-014 | Scheduling of a special municipal election for January 24, 2000 for questions relating to the issuance and transfer of licenses for the sale of beer and wine, Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages, sales of beer and wine on Christmas Day, and sale of alcoholic beverages in unbroken packages on Sundays. | 12/01/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-013 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 11/22/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-012 | Recension of Resolution 1999-011, and committing to hold an election as soon as possible. | 11/22/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-011 | Scheduling of a special municipal election on December 14, 1999 on questions regarding beer, wine, and liquor licensing in the Town of Edgewood. | 11/16/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-010 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority, for the acquisition, construction and improvement of a Sewer System for the Town of Edgewater. | 10/06/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-009 | Concerning the establishment of a moratorium on all off-premise billboard signs within the limits of the Town of Edgewood. | 10/06/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-008 | Repealing Resolutions #1999-001 and #1999-006 relating to the Open Meetings Act – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 10/06/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-007 | Adopting the 1999 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 09/01/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-006 | Amending the Open Meeting Resolution (#1999-001). | 08/04/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-005 | Authorizing the establishment of bank accounts with Ranchers Bank for operational use by the Town of Edgewood. | 08/04/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-004 | Adoption of a budget for FY 1999-2000. | 08/04/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-003 | Authorizing a lease agreement for the use of four offices for the conduct of Town business. | 08/04/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-002 | Authorizing the application for and receipt of a loan from the State Board of Finance for Town of Edgewood operations. | 07/07/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 1999-001 | Concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 07/07/1999 | 1999 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-xx1 | Adoption of the FY 2000-2001 budget. (Original not numbered). | 07/19/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-010 | Support for the single point interchange alternative for the proposed Edgewood interchange at the intersection of I-40 and NM 344, to the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department. | 12/06/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-009 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Town of Edgewood Sewer System. | 12/06/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-008 | Approving Town of Edgewood membership in the Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments. | 11/15/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-005 | Requesting cooperation with the New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department (NMSHTD) for completion of proposed transportation projects. | 11/01/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-004-A | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 10/18/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-004 | Approving budget adjustments for FY 1999-2000. | 06/21/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-003 | Approving budget adjustments for FY 1999-2000. | 04/05/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2000-001-A | Extending the moratorium on all off-premise billboard signs within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewood. As amended January 10, 2000. | 2000 | ||
TOE Resolution # 2000-001 | Extending the moratorium on all off-premise billboard signs within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewood. | 01/05/2000 | 2000 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-xx3 | Support for and adoption of Santa Fe County Ordinance #2001-8 (declaring hazardous fire conditions warranting a situation in Santa Fe County to impose restrictions on fireworks, open fires, and smoking within Santa Fe County) and authorizing the County to enforce the ordinance within the Town of Edgewood. (Not originally numbered) | 06/20/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-xx2 | Approving participation in the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD). (Not originally numbered). | 05/16/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-xx1 | Approving incorporation of Town of East Mountain Villages. (Not originally numbered). | 05/16/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-015 | Authorizing acceptance, approval and adoption of a annexation and development agreement between the Town of Edgewood and owners of certain lands in Santa Fe County. | 12/03/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-014 | Authorizing acceptance, approval and adoption of a annexation and development agreement between the Town of Edgewood and the Campbell Farming Corporation. | 12/03/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-012 | Authorizing the submission of a grant / loan application with the Rural Utility Service (RUS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a Wastewater Collection and Treatment System for the Town of Edgewood. | 11/27/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-011 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 11/27/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-004-C | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 09/19/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-004-B | Establishing a temporary moratorium on the review and or approval of telecommunications tower developments within the Town of Edgewood, pending review and adoption of a municipal telecommunications tower ordinance. | 04/04/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-004-A | Open Meetings Resolution – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 03/07/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-002 | Approving participation in the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD). | 02/21/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2001-001 | Approving participation in the 2001-2002 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department for road work on various Town roads. | 02/21/2001 | 2001 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-008 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 10/16/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-007 | Renaming roadway and utility easement on file for Section 16, T.10N, R.7E, NMPM in the Town of Edgewood as Medical Center Road. | 08/21/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-005 | Approving budget adjustments for Fiscal Year FY 2001-2002. | 07/31/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-004 | Regarding support for the Santa Fe County ordinance relating to Hazardous Fire Conditions and authorizing the County to enforce the ordinance within the Town of Edgewood. | 04/17/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-003 | Establishing Roberts Rules of Order as the official guidelines to conduct council meetings. | 04/03/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-002 | Open Meetings Resolution – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 01/16/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2002-001 | Adopting the 2002 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 01/16/2002 | 2002 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-016 | Authorizing membership of the Town of Edgewood in the establishment of a Regional Transit District and the development of a contract for the establishment thereof. | 12/03/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-015 | Regarding member contributions to the Public Employee’s Retirement Association (PERA). | 12/03/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-014 | Approving affiliation with the Public Employees Retirement Association, and participation in the Municipal General Member Coverage Plan 2. | 12/03/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-013 | Setting a regular municipal election for the election of municipal officers for March 2, 2004. | 11/19/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-012 | Regarding the Qwest Rural Extension Fund (REF) supporting use of funds for deployment of DSL in the Estancia Valley and East Mountain areas. | 10/15/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-010 | Increasing the mileage reimbursement rate. | 09/17/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-009 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 07/02/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-008 | Adoption of the budget for Fiscal Year FY 2003-2004. | 07/29/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-007 | Approval of budget adjustments for Fiscal Year FY 2002-2003. | 07/16/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-006 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 07/02/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-005 | Requesting the participation of the citizens of the Town of Edgewood respecting the Santa Fe County Fire Marshall’s ban on the use of fireworks and open fires within the Town limits. | 07/02/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-004 | Approving participation in the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD) program. | 04/16/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-003 | Open Meetings Resolution – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 04/16/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-002 | Adoption of the official 2003 holiday calendar of the Town of Edgewood. | 04/16/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2003-001 | Participation in the 2003-2004 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department for road work on various town roads. | 02/19/2003 | 2003 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-019-B | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood. | 11/03/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-019-A | Declaring conditions on Section 36 off of Highway 66 to constitute a public nuisance, ordering the correction of said nuisance, and assessing the cost of abatement. | 11/17/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-018 | Approving an application process for the establishment of a Public Improvement District (PID). | 11/03/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-017 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the zoning ordinance within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 09/22/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-016 | Approving participation in the 2004-2005 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department. | 09/22/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-015 | Approving a Public Rights of Way letter of understanding with Comcast of New Mexico, Inc. | 08/04/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-014 | Adopting the 2004-2005 budget for the Town of Edgewood. | 07/26/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-013 | Approval of Grant Agreement with the State of New Mexico Environmental Department SAP 04-2138-CP. | 06/02/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-012 | Approval of a Grant Agreement with the State of New Mexico Environment Department SAP 04-2113-CP. | 06/02/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-011 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) | 07/26/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-010 | Approving budget adjustments for the Fiscal Year FY 2003-2004. | 06/02/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-009 | Authorizing the Santa Fe County Fire Marsal and the County Fire Protection Specialists to issue citations of violations of town ordinances. | 06/09/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-008 | Election Resolution – scheduling a special municipal election for the election of municipal office, on July 13, 2004. | 04/07/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-007 | Adopting the process to formulate the governing body’s council agenda. | 03/17/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-006 | Requesting New Mexico Clan and Beautiful grant funds for litter and graffiti control initiatives for the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year. | 03/17/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-005 | Approving the request for Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds for the reconstruction of Plaza Loop and Travis Lane within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 01/21/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-004 | Approving participation in the 2004-2005 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department for roadwork on various school bus routes and town roads. | 02/18/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-003 | Regarding the preparation and submittal of an application for funding assistance from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) for Fiscal Year FY 2003-2004 for the reconstruction of Plaza Loop, Edgewood y, and Travis Road. | 02/04/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-002 | Adopting a 2004 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 02/04/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2004-001 | Relating to the Open Meetings Act – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 01/21/2004 | 2004 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-033 | Approving budget adjustments for Fiscal Year FY 2005-2006. | 12/21/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-032 | Open Meeting Resolution – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 12/07/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-031 | Authorizing the purchase of property within the Town of Edgewood located at 1911 Old Highway 66. | 12/07/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-030 | Adopting a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the subdivision ordinance within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 12/07/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-029 | Adopting a 2006 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 12/07/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-028 | Amending the official zoning map. | 11/21/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-027 | Setting forth the intent of the Town of Edgewood to reimburse itself from the proceeds of bonds to be issued to finance acquisition of and improvements to a new municipal building. | 11/16/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-026 | Adopting the official Zoning Map for the Town of Edgewood. | 11/16/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-025 | Election Resolution – for an election of municipal officers to be held March 7, 2006. | 12/07/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-024 | Adopting Public Improvement District (PID) guidelines and application procedures. | 10/19/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-022 | Establishing a Pay Competitiveness Policy. | 09/21/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-021 | Designating an individual to sign the grant agreement and a grantee representative authorized to submit any documents pertaining to the Project and act as the project’s Point of Contact for SAP Projects 04-1529-STB and 04-1531-STB related to the town’s wastewater treatment system and improvements to same. | 08/03/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-020 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 07/20/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-019 | Adopting the 2005-2006 budget for the Town of Edgewood. | 07/20/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-018 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 07/13/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-017 | Establishing a Selection Committee to rank and rate Requests For Proposals (RFP’s) issued by the Town of Edgewood. | 07/06/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-016 | Renaming of Sorrell Lane to Duke Road. | 07/06/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-015 | Establishing an agreement between the Town of Edgewood and Exempt employees regarding compensation. | 04/06/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-014 | Declaring the intent of the Town of Edgewood to form a Public Improvement District. | 06/08/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-013 | Relating to the Public Employee’s Retirement Association (PERA) | 05/18/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-012 | Providing for rules governing the conduct of meetings of the governing body of the Town of Edgewood. | 05/04/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-011 | Adopting required steps to the subdivision review process. | 05/04/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-008 | Certifying the Town of Edgewood road maintenance map. | 03/23/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-007 | Participation in the Highway 344 and Venus Road widening improvements with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department. | 02/16/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-006 | Approving participation in the 2005-2006 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department, for roadwork on various bus routes and town roads. | 02/16/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-004 | Concerning the exportation of water out of Estanica Basin. | 01/19/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-003 | Authorizing the Town of Edgewood to enter into a contract with the Edgewood Community Library for the purpose of utilizing state library funds. | 01/05/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-002 | Approving a holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 01/05/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2005-001 | Open Meetings Resolution – concerning governing body meetings and public notice required. | 01/05/2005 | 2005 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-030 | Amending the SAP 02-0159 STB Grant Agreement. | 12/06/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-029 | Regarding land use and flood control measures. | 11/15/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-028 | Creating an Infrastructure Gross Receipts Tax Fund. | 11/01/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-027 | Authorizing the mayor to sign the NMED Special Appropriations Project 04-0215-STB and 05-0107-STB agreements. | 10/18/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-026 | Concerning Moriarty School District school closures. | 10/10/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-025 | Renaming of Bella Vista Road segment to Hope Court. | 10/04/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-024 | Approval to seek funding from Santa Fe County for the purpose of constructing a portion of the Edgewood Wastewater Treatment Plant / Collection System. | 09/20/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-023 | Authorizing the mayor to sign the NMED Special Appropriations Project 06-0212-STB agreement. | 09/20/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-022 | Supporting a regional animal shelter. | 09/21/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-021 | Supporting the acquisition of additional public easement from Frontage Road to McCall Road. | 09/21/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-020 | Supporting the Parks and Recreation and Animal Control Departments joint Walk A Mile, Save A Life, Save A Pet event. | 09/20/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-019 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). | 09/15/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-018 | Adoption of the budget for Fiscal Year FY 2006-2007. | 07/19/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-017 | Declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources. | 06/07/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-016 | Support for the Tractor Drive during the Route 66 Run, Rally & Rock. | 05/17/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-014 | Authorizing the mayor to sign the NMED Special Appropriations Project 06-1231-GF agreement. | 07/19/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-013 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the zoning ordinance within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 05/01/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-012 | Authorizing the Santa Fe County Fire Marshall and the County Fire Protection Specialists to issue citations of violations of town ordinances. | 04/06/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-011 | Adopting a budget increase for Fiscal Year FY 2005-2006. | 12/21/2005 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-010 | Adopting a budget increase for Fiscal Year FY 2005-2006. | 01/18/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-008 | Approving a budget increase for Fiscal Year FY 2005-2006. | 03/15/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-007 | Approving budget increases for Fiscal Year FY 2005-2006. | 02/01/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-006 | Authorizing submittal of the planning grant application regarding the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. | 03/15/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-002 | Supporting location of Equestrian Center in the Edgewood / Moriarty area. | 02/15/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2006-001 | Participation in the 2006-2007 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department, regarding roadword on various school bus routes and town roads in the Town of Edgewood. | 02/16/2006 | 2006 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-041 | Approval of a time extension the Frost Road improvements project SP-05-07(028). | 12/19/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-040 | Approval of time extension for the Plaza Loop project MAP-7549(900) with the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 12/19/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-039 | Adopting a 2008 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 12/19/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-038 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 12/19/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-037 | Sign ordinance enforcement moratorium. | 12/11/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-036 | Election Resolution for a regular municipal election for the election of municipal officers to be held on March 4, 2008. | 12/05/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-035 | Supporting a Wildlife Safe Passage Corridor under Interstate 40 and Highway 333 / 66. | 11/07/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-034 | Imposing a temporary moratorium on annexations to the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 11/07/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-033 | Adjustment to the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year budget. | 10/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-032 | Supporting an athletic complex on State Section 16. | 10/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-031 | Supporting the Parks and Recreation and Animal Control Departments joint Walk A Mile, Save A Life, Save A Pet event for October 27, 2007. | 10/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-030 | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds for the reconstruction of Frost Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 09/19/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-029 | Establishing a single point-of-contact with architects on the East Mountain Regional Animal Care Facility. | 09/01/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-028 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP). | 08/15/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-027 | Establishing a cooperative program with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Project SP-5-08(059) for pavement rehabilitation and improvements on Frost Road. | 07/18/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-026 | Adopting Action Plan recommendations for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Edgewood. | 08/01/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-025 | Adopting the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year budget. | 07/11/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-024 | Amending the SAP 07-4581-GF Grant agreement with the State of New Mexico Environment Department to assign a Grantee Representative and Signatory Authority. | 07/11/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-023 | Authorizing a budget line item change. | 06/20/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-022 | Establishing a Holder of Record Agreement between the Town of Edgewood and the New Mexico State Police. | 06/20/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-021 | Creating a Police Department and clarifying the relationship between the Town and citizen volunteer patrols. | 06/02/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-020 | (Re)naming of State Highway 344 and Edgewood 7 to Keaty Boulevard from Windmill road north to Frost Road. | 06/06/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-019 | (Re)naming of West Frontage Road to Wild West Parkway. | 06/06/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-018 | Authorizing signatory authority for the Town of Edgewood. | 05/30/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-017 | Approval of increase to the Fiscal Year FY 2006-2007 budget. | 05/02/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-016 | Designating the retention and disposition schedules for records for the municipal court for the Town of Edgewood. | 05/02/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-015 | Designating the retention and disposition schedules for the records of the Town of Edgewood municipal offices. | 05/02/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-013 | Adoption of changes to the Fiscal Year budget for FY 2006-2007. | 04/04/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-012 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2007-001. | 04/04/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-011 | A resolution regarding legal fees and costs for a contested election. | 03/21/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-010 | Authorizing a regional animal control facility name and logo competition. | 03/07/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-009 | Adopting the official zoning map for the Town of Edgewood. | 03/05/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-008 | Resolution to participate in the 2007-2008 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department, for roadwork on various school bus routes and town roads. | 02/07/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-007 | Authorizing the assignment of official representatives and signatory authorities. | 04/04/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-006 | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds for the reconstruction of Plaza Loop and Travis Lane within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/21/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-005 | Adopting goals and objectives for the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/21/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-003 | Adopting a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the business license, subdivision, and zoning ordinance within the Town of Edgewood. | 01/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-002 | Adoption of the 2007 holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 01/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2007-001 | Open Meeting Resolution,. | 01/03/2007 | 2007 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-069 | Amending the 2008-2009 budget to include an Impact Fee Fund. | 12/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-068 | Establishing a holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood for the year 2009. | 12/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-067 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #208-024. | 12/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-065 | Providing for the annexation of certain real property located within the boundaries of the Town of Edgewood. | 12/03/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-064 | Increase to the Parks & Recreation Fund for Youth Activity Programs | 11/25/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-063 | Establishing a cooperative progrative program with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for pavement rehabilitation and improvements on Edgewood 7 in the Town of Edgewood. | 11/19/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-062 | Increase the Capital Projects Fund for the Frost Road project. | 11/19/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-060 | Approval of budget changes. | 10/08/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-059 | Authorization of expenses for the Community Library. | 10/08/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-058 | For the increase of revenue and additional expenses – budget changes for the purchase of a Bobcat 5600 Turbo Toolcat. | 10/01/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-057 | Fund transfer in the FY 2008-2009 budget to the Municipal Street Fund for the position of Equipment Operator. | 09/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-056 | Increase the Capital Projects Fund for Skate Park repairs and the Keep New Mexico Beautiful Grant. | 09/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-055 | Increase the Capital Project Fund for matching funds related to the Local Government Road Fund and the Municipal Arterial Project for Frost Road. | 09/03/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-054 | Increase the Capital Project Fund for sewer project matching funds and construction costs. | 09/03/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-053 | Approval of a line-item increase to the Police Special Revenue Fund. | 09/03/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-052 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). | 09/17/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-051 | General Fund budget transfers. | 08/20/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-050 | Creating a Library Fund for the Town of Edgewood. | 08/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-049 | Approval of entry by the Town of Edgewood into a Grant Agreement with the State of New Mexico Environment Department identified as Grant Agreement 08-3139-STB. | 08/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-048 | Restriction for the use of Gross Receipts Tax receipts derived from new construction activity within the Town of Edgewood. | 09/03/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-047 | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds for the reconstruction of Frost Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 08/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-045 | Adopting the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year FY 2008-2009 budget. | 07/16/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-043 | Regarding municipal electrical generation, to direct the incentivation and the implementation and utilization of wind and or solar power resources, as ordered by the Governor of the State of New Mexico as Executive Order 2005-033. | 07/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-042 | Sign Ordinance enforcement moratorium. | 08/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-041 | Declaring hazardous fire condition and imposing restriction on the sale and use of certain fireworks. | 06/18/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-039 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding an appeal on previous determination on Phase One Final Plat of Pueblo Artesanos. | 06/04/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-038 | Approving participation in the program of the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District. | 06/04/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-036 | Pursuant to the Retiree Health Care Act Sections 10-7C-1 ETSEQ. NMSA 1978 exercising the irrevocable option to determine to be included in coverage under the Act. | 06/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-035 | Supporting “Western Heritage Days” June 13-22, 2008. | 05/07/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-034 | Creating an Enterprise Fund for the wastewater treatment facility. | 05/07/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-032 | Approval Final Plat of Phase One Pueblo Artesanos SU-2007-10. | 04/21/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-031 | Amending Resolution #2008-003 (January 14, 2009). | 04/16/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-030 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood. Supersedes Resolution #2004-019. | 05/07/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-029 | Authorizing the loan agreement for a wastewater treatment project. | 04/23/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-028 | Planning Commission resolution to approve subdivision SU-2005-39. | 04/07/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-027 | Authorizing the assignment of official representatives and signatory authorities. | 04/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-026 | Reverting funds back to the Municipal Street Fund upon elimination of the Public Works Fund and Department. Rescinds Resolution #2008-011. | 04/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-025 | Approving participation in the Public Employees Retirement Association Municipal Police Member Coverage Plan 3. | 04/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-024 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2008-010. | 04/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-022 | Authorizing a grant agreement with the State of New Mexico Environment Department (SAP 07-6067-GF). | 04/04/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-021 | Authorization for the purchase of land for a wastewater lift station and delivery line. | 04/02/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-019 | Sign ordinance enforcement moratorium. | 03/19/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-018 | Amendment for NMDOT MAP 7549(900) 01, CN L5058, for a time extension of the contract. | 03/19/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-015 | Participation in the 2009-2009 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department, for pavement restoration on Edgewood 7. | 03/12/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-014 | Adopting the State of New Mexico plan for deferred compensation. | 03/12/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-013 | Adopting a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the administration of the Subdivision Ordinance within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 02/20/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-012 | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program funds for the reconstruction of Frost Road within the Town of Edgewood. | 02/20/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-011 | Creating a Public Works fund. | 02/20/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-010 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 02/20/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-009 | Accepting the dedication of two acres of Park and Salida Del Sol Trail in the Vista Del Sal Subdivision. | 02/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-008 | Restricting the exercise of Eminent Domain. (Not passed) | 02/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-007 | Adopting the official zoning map. | 02/06/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-006 | Accepting the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Edgewood and approving the plan for public distribution. | 02/04/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-005 | Supporting “Leaving No New Mexico Child Inside”. | 01/23/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-004 | Creating the Edgewood Department of Public Safety and authorizing staff to recruit and hire police officers. | 01/28/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-003 | Approving budget changes. | 01/14/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-002 | Clarifying the Town’s position regarding the proposed Field Their Dream sports complex and the approved ICIP. | 01/09/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2008-001 | Endorsing the Moriarty-Edgewood School District 2008 Bond Election. | 01/09/2008 | 2008 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-004 | Regarding Final Plat of Hillcrest 2008-8 in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 2009 | ||
TOE Resolution # 2009-007 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding a zone change from Residential R-1 to Multi-Use MU for Hillcrest ZC 2008-2. | 2009 | ||
TOE Resolution # 2009-048 | Consenting to the inclusion of the municipality of the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County Renewable Energy Financing District. | 12/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-047 | Approve and adopt the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico holiday calendar for 2010. | 12/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-046 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2009-022. | 12/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-045 | Election Resolution for March 2, 2010. | 12/02/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-044 | Concerning a Municipal Bond election to be held in the Town of Edgewood, for authorizing the issuance of General Obligation bonds for specified public purposes. | 12/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-043 | Authorizing an election for adoption of Municipal Police member coverage. | 11/18/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-042 | Imposing a temporary moratorium on annexations to the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 11/18/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-041 | Approving line item transfers. | 11/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-040 | Approving General Fund transfers. | 11/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-039 | Opposing legislation granting repealing the Hold Harmless provision. | 11/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-038 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding a Preliminary Plat extension of Campbell Ranch SU-2007-11 and SU-2007-12. | 11/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-037 | Establishing a cooperative program with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for the purpose of construction and improvement of public highways and roads in the Town of Edgewood. | 10/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-036 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2008-052 | 09/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-035 | Residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan and certification. | 09/16/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-033 | Adopting the FY 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Budget. | 07/15/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-032 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding the Final Plat of Starquest 2009-3. | 07/15/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-031 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding the Final Plat of Hillcrest 2009-4 and Unit 6-A. | 07/15/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-030 | Adopting by reference the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration’s regulations as amended governing per diem and mileage. Supersedes Resolution #2003-010. | 07/01/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-029 | To fund installation of wind generation equipment for Town offices. | 07/01/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-028 | Concerning recreational / educational programs. | 10/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-027 | To bring Bond issues before the voters. | 07/01/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-029 | Establishing an Advisory Committee to review the Grading & Drainage Ordinance. | 2009 | ||
TOE Resolution # 2009-025 | Transfer of funds in the FY 2008-2009 Fiscal Budget | 06/03/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-024 | Approving the 2008-2009 line item transfers within the Departments. | 07/01/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-023 | Increase to the FY 2008-2009 Fiscal Budget. | 05/20/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-022 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2008-008. | 05/20/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-021 | Supporting “Western Heritage Days” June 20-28, 2009. | 05/05/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-020 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding a conditional use permit for a Motorcycle Sales and Service Store adjacent to the north side of Historic Route 66 in Edgewood, New Mexico. | 05/05/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-019 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding the Preliminary Plat extension of Campbell Ranch SU-2007-11 and SU-2007-12. | 05/05/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-018 | General Fund transfer into the Wastewater Capital Project Fund. | 02/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-017 | Participation in the 2009-2010 CO-OP Program with the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department. | 02/18/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-016 | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds for the reconstruction of Frost Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/18/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-015 | Increase the FY 2008-2009 Fiscal Budget. | 02/18/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-014-A | Addendum to Resolution #014: Edgewood Police Department Standard Order Of Procedures. | 02/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-014 | Adopting the Town of Edgewood Police Department Standard Operating Procedures. | 02/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-013 | Sign Ordinance Moratorium. | 02/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-012 | Approving mid-year revisions to the FY 2008-2009 Budget. | 02/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-011 | Mandating the attendance of the Town of Edgewood’s attorney at regular council meetings and special council meetings. | 02/04/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-010 | Line item change in the Capital Improvements Fund for the Frost Road reconstruction and drainage improvements. | 01/21/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-009 | Increase the 2008-2009 Fiscal Budget in the Capital Projects Fund. | 01/21/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-008 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2008-067 | 01/21/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-006 | Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law relating to the Preliminary Plat of Liberty Development 2008-9 and 2008-10. | 01/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-003 | Affirming partnership and support for the 2010 Census. | 01/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2009-002 | Increasing the Capital Projects Fund. | 01/07/2009 | 2009 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-021 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 12/01/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-019 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs to the care and control of animals in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. Repeals and replaces Resolution #2008-030. | 10/06/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-018 | Urging New Mexico’s congressional delegation to support legislation allowing property assessed clean energy programs (PACE). | 09/15/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-017 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). | 08/04/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-016 | Adopting an open space naming policy. | 07/21/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-015 | Authorization for budget adjustments. | 07/07/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-014 | Adopting and approving submittal of the 2010-2011 final budget to the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration. | 07/07/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-013 | Regarding the appeal by Campbell Corporation of the Town of Edgewood Planning & Zoning Commission’s denial of a time extension for preliminary plat approval. | 07/20/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-012 | Authorization to make budget adjustments. | 05/05/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-011 | Granting of a Conditional Use Permit to operate East Mountain Auto & RV Service in the Town of Edgewood. | 05/17/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-010 | Approving an increase to the 2009-2010 fiscal budget. | 04/21/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-009 | Adopting a schedule of fees related to the Town of Edgewood Sewer Rate Customer Classes and associated Sewer Rate and Fee Structure. | 03/17/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-008 | Establishing a municipal arterial program with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for design, reconstruction, and drainage improvements of Frost Road. | 03/03/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-007 | Approving changes to the capital project fund revenues and expenditures. | 03/03/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-006 | Leadership in Community Sustainability – to direct the incentivation and implementation of the sustainable use of resources and to promote innovative methods for the Town of Edgewood to achieve a reduction of adverse human impacts on the environment. | 02/17/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-005 | Participation in the 2010-2011 CO_OP program with the New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department for pavement restoration on Frost Road. | 02/17/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-004 | Establishing a cooperative program with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for design, reconstruction and drainage improvements of various local streets. | 02/17/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-003 | Approving budget line item transfers. | 01/20/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-002 | Approving capital project fund increases and decreases. | 01/20/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2010-001 | Citizen Participation Plan. | 01/06/2010 | 2010 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-018 | Regarding priority roadway improvements in the Town of Edgewood. | 12/21/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-017 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 12/21/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-016 | Establishing a holiday schedule for employees of the Town of Edgewood. | 12/21/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-015 | Imposing a temporary moratorium on annexations to the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 11/16/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-014 | Election Resolution for March 6, 2012. | 11/16/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-012 | Regarding participation in the New Mexico Department of Transportation Municipal Arterial Program for the reconstruction of Dinkle Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 09/07/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-011 | Regarding participation in the Local Government Road Fund Program administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 07/20/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-010 | Adopting the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year final budget. | 07/20/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-009 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) | 07/20/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-008 | Authorizing budget adjustments. | 07/20/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-003 | Participation in the 2010-2011 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, regarding pavement restoration on Dinkle Road. | 02/28/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-002-B | Requesting Municipal Arterial Program funds. | 02/28/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-002-A | Adopting rules for the transaction of business for the Planning Commission of the Town of Edgewood. | 02/06/2012 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2011-001 | Authorization for budget adjustments. | 01/19/2011 | 2011 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-027 | Adoption of holiday calendar for 2013. | 12/19/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-026 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 12/19/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-024 | Establishing additional holiday hours for Town of Edgewood employees for the year 2012. | 12/05/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-023 | Providing for rules governing the conduct of meetings of the governing body of the Town of Edgewood. | 11/07/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-022 | Authorizing budget adjustments. | 11/07/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-021 | Establishing a guidelines policy for the retention and preservation of emails. | 10/17/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-020 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2011-009. | 09/19/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-019 | Accepting FEMA flood plain map as designated flood plain elevations for the Town of Edgewood, Bernalillo County. | 07/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-018 | Final quarter financial report for year ending June 30, 2012. | 07/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-017 | Authorizing participation in the Local Government Road Fund program administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 07/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-016 | Authorization for budget adjustments. | 07/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-015 | Adopting a final budget for Fiscal Year FY 2012-2013. | 07/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-014 | Regarding the Certified Communities Initiative Program (CCI) | 08/01/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-013 | Proclamation of extreme or severe drought conditions within the Town of Edgewood and to ban the sale and use of certain fireworks within the boundaries of the town and its wildlands. | 06/20/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-012-B | Affirming the provisions of the Joint Powers Agreement dated April 27, 2007 between the Town of Edgewood and the County of Santa Fe to expand the waste water collection system to serve certain county owned facilities. | 06/06/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-012-A | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County. | 04/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-011 | Authorization to join the North Central Regional Transit District. | 04/18/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-009-A | Authorization for budget adjustments. | 03/21/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-009-B | Accepting Lindsey Lane for road maintenance. | 02/15/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-008 | Participation in the New Mexico Department of Transportation Municipal Arterial Program for the reconstruction of Church Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/15/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-007 | Participation in the 2012-2013 CO-OP program with the New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, for paving and drainage improvements on Church Street. | 02/15/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-006 | Authorizing joint cooperation between Santa Fe County and the Town of Edgewood to participate in the New Mexico Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. | 02/15/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-005 | Establishing an Intergovernmental Agreement between Santa Fe County and the Town of Edgewood for Road Maintenance Issues. | 02/15/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-004 | Accepting the Corridor Management Plan update for the Salt Missions Trail Scenic Byway. | 02/01/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-002 | Authorization for budget adjustments. | 01/04/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2012-001 | Planning roadway system priorities for improvement. | 01/04/2012 | 2012 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-030 | Authorization for budget transfers. | 12/18/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-029 | Authorizing budget adjustments. | 12/18/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-027 | Town of Edgewood 2014 holiday calendar. | 12/18/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-026 | Open Meeting Resolution of the Town of Edgewood Library Board. Supersedes Resolution #2013-006. | 12/19/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-025 | Open Meeting Resolution for the Town of Edgewood Planning and Zoning Commission. Supersedes Resolution #2013-011. | 12/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-024 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2013-008. | 12/18/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-023 | Imposing a temporary moratorium on annexations to the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 11/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-022 | Concerning a Municipal Bond Election to be held in the Town of Edgewood. | 11/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-021 | Election Resolution. | 11/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-020 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2012-020. | 09/04/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-019 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. Supersedes Resolution #2013-001. | 08/07/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-018 | Approval of participation in the Local Government Road Fund Program and to request a match waiver administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 07/18/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-017 | Declaring the eligibility and intent of the Town of Edgewood to submit an application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Transportation Alternatives Program funds. | 07/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-016 | Declaring the eligibility and intent of the Town of Edgewood to submit an application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Transportation Alternatives Program funds. | 07/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-015 | Acceptance of the 2013 final quarter financial report for year ending June 30, 2013. | 07/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-014 | Authorizing budget adjustments. | 07/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-013 | Adopting the Town of Edgewood final budget for Fiscal Year FY 2013-2014. | 07/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-012 | Proclamation of extreme or severe drought conditions and banning the sale and use of certain fireworks within the boundaries of the town and its wildlands. | 07/03/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-011 | Open Meeting Resolution for the Town of Edgewood Planning and Zoning Commission. | 06/04/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-010 | Proclaiming extreme or severe drought conditions within the Town of Edgewood and banning the sale and use of certain fireworks within the boundaries of the town and its wetlands. | 06/05/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-009 | Agreeing to assist with the promotion of the Salt Missions Trail Scenic Byway. | 05/15/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-008-B | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2012-026. | 05/15/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-008-A | Declaring intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of a loan agreement between the Town of Edgewood and the New Mexico Finance Authority for certain capital expenditures that will be made by the town. | 04/03/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-007-B | Approving the creation of a fund account. | 04/17/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-007-A | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 04/03/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-006 | Open Meeting Resolution of the Town of Edgewood Library Board. | 03/21/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-005 | In support of the Edgewood Senior Community Center Garden and Coldframes Project funded by the Santa Fe Commission Priority Funds to provide healthy and nutritious produce for the seniors at the Edgewood Senior Center in Edgewood, New Mexico. | 03/06/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-004 | In support of updated regional water plans to be submitted to the Interstate Stream Commission. | 02/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-003 | Approving participation in the New Mexico Department of Transportation Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) for the reconstruction of Church Road within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-002 | Approving the creation of fund accounts. | 02/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2013-001 | Establishing a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the care and control of animals within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 02/20/2013 | 2013 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-030 | Approval of holiday calendar for the Town of Edgewood. | 12/17/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-029 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2013-024. | 12/17/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-028 | Adopting rules for the transaction of business by the Town of Edgewood Planning Commission. | 12/16/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-027 | Accepting Howard Court in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico for road maintenance. | 12/03/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-026 | Open Meeting Resolution. Supersedes Resolution #2013-025 | 12/02/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-025 | In support of the Stanley Cyclone Center. | 11/19/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-024 | Adopting a schedule of fees and other assignable costs related to the administration of the Subdivision Ordinance. | 11/05/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-023 | Relating to the loan agreement of November 18, 2011 with the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 11/05/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-022 | Open Meeting Resolution. | 10/07/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-021 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 09/17/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-019 | Open Meeting Resolution for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. | 08/04/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-018 | Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2013-020 | 08/06/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-017 | Approving final quarter financial report for year ending June 30, 2014. | 07/16/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-015 | Adopting a final budget for Fiscal Year FY 2014-2015. | 07/16/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-014 | Authorizing support for economic development through housing infrastructure improvement. | 07/02/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-013 | Proclamation of extreme or severe drought conditions within the Town of Edgewood and to ban the sale and use of certain fireworks within the boundaries of the town and its wildlands. | 07/02/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-012 | Approving participation in the Local Government Road Fund Program administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 07/02/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-011 | Supporting the development of trails along the New Mexico Department of Transportation state highways in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. | 07/02/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-009 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 06/04/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-008 | Approving participation in the Local Government Road Fund Program administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. | 05/07/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-007 | Authorizing budget adjustments. | 04/16/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-006 | Authorizing and approving submission of a completed application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority. | 03/19/2014 | 2014 | |
TOE Resolution # 2014-005 | Dedicating the Town of Edgewood Athletic Field in memory of Steve Williams. | 03/12/2014 |