Election Information

Voter Registration/Registrese para Votar

Register to vote online using the link below: Register to Vote
Or to check if you are already registered
My Registration Information
To vote from home.
Absentee and Early Voting | Maggie Toulouse Oliver - New Mexico Secretary of State (nm.gov)

Voting location in Edgewood starting October 19th:
Edgewood Fire Station
1 Municipal Way, Edgewood, NM 87015
Early voting starts Oct. 19th and you can register to vote the same day at the Fire Department.

Any questions call SF County Clerks office 505-986-6280 Option #1

Spanish –para ver si está registrado para votar : Mi información de registro (state.nm.us)
Regístrese para votar: portal.sos.state.nm.us/OVR/WebPages/DomesticApplication.aspx 
Voto ausente y anticipado | Maggie Toulouse Oliver - New Mexico Secretary of State (nm.gov)

La votación anticipada comienza el diecinueve de octubre:
En el Estacion de Bomberos (cerca de la clinica - First Choice)
1 Municipal Way, Edgewood, NM, 87015
Es posible registrarse y votar el mismo día en la estación.
Si tiene preguntas, puede llamar a la Oficina del Secretario del Condado de Santa Fe 505-926-6280 opción 1

Previous Election Results

To find the most current election results, please click the following links.