- CALL BEFORE YOU DIG!! NM State law requires a call to 811 at least 2 business days prior to any excavation activity.
- Grading & drainage or right-of-way excavation permits may apply. Please contact us at (505) 286-4518 before you conduct any digging or excavation.
- To report a GAS LEAK EMERGENCY, call 1-888-NM-Gas-CO (1-888-664-2726).
Purpose & Responsibilities
The Planning & Zoning Department performs a variety of services intended to protect, maintain, and develop an attractive, safe, and healthy environment. Primary functions address property development and land use activities occurring in the town. The Planning & Zoning Department provides direction and leadership in implementing the goals, objectives, and policies of Edgewood as adopted by the Town Commission. The department provides technical assistance and staff support to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Planning & Zoning is also responsible for the orderly development of the town and the administration of various land use regulations, including the zoning code, design review ordinances, sign code, and more.
Quick Links
- NEWLY ADOPTED Comprehensive Plan (adopted 2025)
- Current Subdivision Ordinance for the Town of Edgewood (adopted 2019)
- Current Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Edgewood (adopted November 6th, 2019)
- Previous Comprehensive Plan for Town of Edgewood (adopted January 11, 2020)
- 2018 Public Opinion Questionnaire for input to Comprehensive Plan
- Prior Comprehensive Plan for Town of Edgewood (adopted February 2008)
- Current Grading and Drainage Ordinance (adopted
- Current 2015 International Fire Code (adopted by Town of Edgewood)
- Complete list of Town Ordinances (1999-present)
- To file a complaint regarding a property located within the incorporated Town of Edgewood, please complete a complaint form and return by email to: fvaldez@edgewood-nm.gov.