Museum Passes
Any library cardholder in good standing may check out a museum pass for a seven day period. Museum passes give patrons free entry into local museums, parks, and historic sites. You can check out a pass at the circulation desk!

New Mexico FamilyPass
The New Mexico State Library, in partnership with local public libraries in New Mexico and the museums and historic sites of the Department of Cultural Affairs has offered the New Mexico FamilyPass to library card holders throughout the state! The FamilyPass provides free admission for up to six people to any of the Department of Cultural Affairs museums and historic sites.
- 8 New Mexico Historic Sites, Statewide
- New Mexico History Museum/Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe
- New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe
- Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe
- Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe
- New Mexico Museum of Space History, Alamogordo
- New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque
- National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque
- New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces
Explora Museum Pass
This museum pass will provide free entry for up to four people to the amazingly fun and interactive Explora museum and science center in Albuquerque! This non-profit organization always has exciting, dynamic learning exhibits fit for all ages.

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History Pass
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History is an intriguing place to learn the story of the Atomic Age - from early conception, the Manhattan Project, and the Cold War, to today's peaceful uses of nuclear technology. This museum pass will provide free entry for two adults and up to four children.