Resolution of Sponsorship – To request of the New Mexico Department of Transportation that I-10 and I-40 Planning Funds be used on the RT 66 East Bypass / I-40 Interchange.
TOE Resolution # 2022-023
Resolution of Sponsorship – Requesting of the New Mexico Department of Transportation that I-10 and I-40 funds be used on the NM 344 Widening and Lengthening project.
TOE Resolution # 2022-022
Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts. Supersedes #2022-019.
TOE Resolution # 2022-021
On requiring the prompt removal of debris and trash and discarded materials located at 72 Aspen Road T10N R 7E S23-8 AC lot, parcel #98206292 by the owner or owners, occupants or agents of the owners of the property.
TOE Resolution # 2022-020
Adopting the Fiscal Year FY 2024-2028 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2022-009.
TOE Resolution # 2022-019
Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts. Supersedes Resolution #2022-004
TOE Resolution # 2022-018
Adopting the process of formulating the governing body commission agenda. Rescinds Resolution #2004-007
TOE Resolution # 2022-016
Approving the fourth quarter financial report for Fiscal Year FY 2021-2022.