Adopting the Town of Edgewood interim budget for Fiscal Year FY 2020-2021.
TOE Resolution # 2020-007
Declaring a corona virus (COVID-19) emergency / disaster for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Resolution # 2020-006
Election resolution for ballot question – organize the town under the commission-manager form of government.
TOE Resolution # 2020-005
Authorizing the submittal of an application for the Fiscal Year FY 2021 New Mexico Department of Transportation Municipal Arterial Program funds for street and drainage improvements within Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Resolution # 2020-004
Authorizing the Town of Edgewood to apply for the New Mexico Department of Transportation 2020 Annual Hardship Sale.
TOE Resolution # 2020-003
Adopting the comprehensive land use plan for the Town of Edgewood and approving the plan for public distribution.
TOE Resolution # 2020-002
Annual resolution providing for rules government the operation and conduct of meetings of the government body of the Town of Edgewood. Repeals and replaces Resolution #2019-002.
TOE Ordinance # 2020-002
Adopting the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC) including Appendix Chapters B and D by reference.
TOE Ordinance # 2020-001
Authorizing the sale of real property owned by the town which was formerly utilized as the town hall and which is located at 1911 Historic Route 66, Edgewood, New Mexico.